Identity Project

Who We Are

The Identity Project is a comprehensive library of videos and other resources addressing issues of identity, sex, “gender,” and sexuality from a Judeo-Christian worldview, featuring world-class experts.

Our experts speak with clarity and authority based on years of research and relevant experience. They include psychologists, theologians, sociologists, pastors, doctors, and parents who have real-life experience with these concerns.


Heritage foundation
Colson Center
Ethics and public policy center
Beacon Logo Final 01
The conversation workshop
Advocates protecting children
Regeneration ministries
Celebrate Kids Logo
Ruah Woods Logo 23 horizontal color 01
Sex ED Reclaimed
SILS Logo new
The falls church anglican
Decisions choices options Horizonatal Logo with Transparent Background
Immanuel Nashville black
Communio Logo Red
Perishable goods Updated w Slogan Black
Blessed earth
Blonde Orthodoxy Black
Alliance Defending Freedom for Faith For Justice
Austin Institute logo
Key ministries

What is our mission?

The mass confusion about identity, sexual morality, “gender,” sexuality, family, the body, and personhood is because we ask the wrong questions.

We ask, “Why should anyone tell me what to do with my body?” instead of “What is my body created for?”

We ask, “What am I feeling about who I am?” rather than

“What is true about who I am?”

We ask, “Who am I attracted to?” before answering the question

“What is love?”

The Identity Project is a place of sanity, hope, and security, a trusted source of truth and wisdom where you can find answers without misinformation. If you are feeling disoriented, isolated, and longing for a solid foundation of truth, the Identity Project is for you.

How It Works

Videos range from two to 30 minutes and can be viewed in any order. Pick and choose from different categories (parenting resources, marriage, sexual and “gender” ideology, same-sex attraction, singleness, and sexual purity) based on your area of interest, or filter videos by expert.

As a trusted resource guide, the Identity Project will equip you to:

  • Understand the meaning of the body and sexuality
  • Envision God’s purpose in sexual identity and healthy relationships
  • Confidently guide your children, students, congregation, and friends to the root of a secure identity and holistic sexual wellness
  • Walk and talk well with others about LGBTQ beliefs and issues
  • Discover what matters when researching schools and medical and mental health professionals for you and your family

Ready to explore the Identity Project?

Sign up for a 24-hour free access pass! 150+ videos, 30+ hours of content, yours to preview for free - no credit card required.