Identity Project

Guidance from a Christian Worldview

Clarity on identity & sexuality issues does exist.

The Identity Project is for parents, grandparents, teachers, leaders, ministers, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to know, speak, and advocate for the truth about human identity amid cultural chaos. Access 150+ (and growing) videos on sexuality, “gender,” and identity topics from vetted subject matter experts.


Preparing for "The Talk"

John Stonestreet, MA

Times have changed, and having the sex talk with children today means having a grasp on the cultural context they live in. Constant access to sexual material, the proliferation of bad ideas, the loss of norms, etc are the new realities. Here’s what you need to know.


Rejecting Men and Women 

Samuel Ferguson, MPhil, PhD

The now ubiquitous transgender movement is not fundamentally about whether a man can live as a woman but about the rejection of the entire idea of humanity as a two-sexed species.


Guiding Children to a Secure Identity 

Kathy Koch, PhD

“The words we speak and the words we don’t speak change lives.” Dr. Kathy Koch discusses how to cultivate all five aspects of a child’s identity through the questions asked and the counsel given.


Heritage foundation
Colson Center
Ethics and public policy center
Beacon Logo Final 01
The conversation workshop
Advocates protecting children
Regeneration ministries
Celebrate Kids Logo
Ruah Woods Logo 23 horizontal color 01
Sex ED Reclaimed
SILS Logo new
The falls church anglican
Decisions choices options Horizonatal Logo with Transparent Background
Immanuel Nashville black
Communio Logo Red
Perishable goods Updated w Slogan Black
Blessed earth
Blonde Orthodoxy Black
Alliance Defending Freedom for Faith For Justice
Austin Institute logo
Key ministries

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The Complex History of the Term "Gender"

Andrew Sodergren, PsyD

Why Transhumanism is the Next Stage of Identity Confusion

Katie McCoy, PhD

Supporting Friends with Same-Sex Attraction

Sam Allberry

When a Child Rejects their God-Given Identity

Sean McDowell, PhD

Is "Gender-Affirming" Care Good for Children?

Stephen Grcevich, MD

The Comorbidities of Gender Confusion

Erin Brewer, PhD

How Common is Intersex?

Leonard Sax, MD, PhD

Sex Education for Early Elementary Students

Lori Kuykendall, MPH

A Theology of the Body for Everyone

Jared Hayden, MA

Defining Masculinity and Femininity

Kristen Miele, MS

Christians Must Protect the Most Vulnerable

Erin Brewer, PhD & Maria Keffler, MSEd

We are Family: The History of the Family Unit

J.P. De Gance

Connection as an Antidote to Depression and Confusion

Matthew Sleeth, MD

Gender Ideology: Teaching Kids to Disobey Their Parents

Emilie Kao, JD

Who Owns Marriage?

Mark Regnerus, PhD

Pornography’s Destructive Theology

Joshua Glaser

Attending a Same-Sex "Wedding"

Laura Perry Smalts

There is Hope for Sexual Brokenness

Oshea Vega & Francisco Vega

Shielding Your Child from Online Danger

Joi Wasill

Addressing Brokenness in the Church

Daniel Weiss

The Sex Talk

Linda Noble & Linda Stewart, MA, LMFT

Sexual Brokenness Affects Us All

Anthony Miele, MD

How the Church Can Respond to Gender Ideology

Mary Rice Hasson, JD

Don’t “Trust the Experts” about Radical Gender Ideology

Jay Richards, PhD

Teaching Kids About their Bodies

Heather Marra, PT, MPT, PRPC, PCES

Limited Time Annual Subscription Rate

30+ Hours of Content, 150+ videos and discussion guides all designed to give you the clarity you need on issues of sexuality, “gender,” and identity from vetted experts you can trust. Purchase an annual subscription for your household for $79!