Identity Project

Navigating the Cultural Currents: Understanding and Responding to Sexual Brokenness

The landscape of human sexuality has undergone seismic shifts in recent decades. As Christians, we find ourselves grappling with a culture that often seems at odds with biblical teachings on identity, gender, and sexuality. How can we understand the forces shaping our society’s views on these issues, and more importantly, how can we respond in a way that honors God and loves our neighbors?

The Pervasive Nature of Sexual Messaging

One of the most striking realities of our current cultural moment is the constant exposure to sexual content and ideology, especially for young people. As John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, points out:

The most important part of this exposure, though, is not only that it’s constant, not only that it’s predatory, and not only that it happens younger and younger and younger. The thing I don’t think we’ve maybe reckoned with completely is just how heavy it is, how weighted, how embedded this exposure is with ideas.
– John Stonestreet

This exposure isn’t just about explicit content; it’s about the underlying messages that shape what it means to be human, particularly in relation to sexual identity. These messages are often absorbed unconsciously, shaping worldviews from a very young age.

The Undercurrents of Culture

Stonestreet uses the analogy of ocean currents to describe the powerful cultural forces at work:

If you’ve ever jumped into the water and found yourself 20 yards down the beach, you might ask, ‘How did I get here?’ It’s the current.
– John Stonestreet

Two primary currents in our cultural waters are:

  • Moral Relativism: The belief that morality, especially regarding sexuality, is a personal choice with no universal standard.
  • Radical Privatism: The idea that our beliefs about faith and morality are purely personal and private, with no public implications.

These currents have led to inconsistencies and conflicts in how our society approaches sexual issues, from celebrating sexual “liberation” to condemning sexual abuse.

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The Inconsistencies in Our Culture’s Sexual Ethic

Our culture’s approach to sexuality is riddled with contradictions. Stonestreet highlights several examples:

  • The celebration of Hugh Hefner as a “liberator of women” shortly before the #MeToo movement exposed widespread sexual abuse.
  • The conflicting messages within the LGBTQIA+ movement, where some argue “I was born this way” regarding sexual orientation, while others claim they were “born in the wrong body” regarding gender identity.
  • The tension between feminist ideals and transgender rights, particularly in areas like women’s sports and private spaces.

These contradictions reveal the instability of a sexual ethic divorced from God’s design.

Trusting Him, Shaping Me, Restoring Us

In light of these cultural realities, how can we as Christians respond? The answer lies in returning to the core truths of our identity in Christ:

  • Trust in God’s Design: Remember that God’s plan for sexuality and relationships is rooted in His wisdom and love. Even when cultural messages seem overwhelming, trust that His design leads to true flourishing.
  • Be Shaped by Christ: Allow Jesus’ teachings to shape your understanding of identity, sexuality, and relationships. See yourself and others as image-bearers of God, not defined by sexual desires or cultural expectations.
  • Participate in Restoration: By living out biblical sexuality and promoting a holistic view of personhood, we can be catalysts for restoring God’s vision for human flourishing in our families and communities.

Practical Steps for Navigating Cultural Currents

Here are some practical ways we can navigate these cultural currents and respond to sexual brokenness:

  • Educate Yourself and Others: Understand the cultural forces at work and equip yourself with biblical knowledge to counter false narratives.

  • Foster Open Communication: Create safe spaces for honest discussions about sexuality, especially with young people, grounding these conversations in biblical truth.

  • Model Healthy Relationships: Demonstrate God’s design for sexuality through your own relationships, whether married or single.

  • Engage Culture with Grace and Truth: Address cultural issues with both conviction and compassion, remembering that we’re all broken people in need of God’s grace.

  • Support Those Struggling: Offer Christ-centered support to individuals and families grappling with issues of sexual identity or brokenness.

  • Advocate for Truth in the Public Square: Engage in respectful dialogue and advocate for policies that align with biblical values, recognizing the public implications of sexual ethics.

  • Pray for Wisdom and Revival: Seek God’s wisdom in navigating these complex issues and pray for a spiritual awakening that would bring healing to our sexually broken culture.

A Gospel-Centered Hope

As we navigate the turbulent waters of our culture’s sexual ethic, let’s remember that our ultimate hope is not in changing the culture, but in the transforming power of the Gospel. By grounding ourselves in God’s truth and extending His love to others, we can be beacons of light in a confused world.

Are you seeking to deepen your understanding of biblical sexuality and how to respond to cultural challenges? The Identity Project offers resources to help you navigate these complex issues with wisdom and grace. Together, we can work towards restoring a truly human understanding of sexuality and relationships, one rooted in God’s good design.

Start your journey today by exploring our video library and learning paths at Join us in the mission of restoring truly human sexuality, one person, one family, and one community at a time.

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