Identity Project

Navigating the Cultural Waves: Helping Your Children Embrace Their God-Given Identity

In today’s rapidly changing society, Christian parents often struggle to guide their children through the turbulent waters of cultural shifts—especially those related to sexuality and identity. As a parent, you’re called to trust in God’s design and help shape your children’s understanding of who they are in Christ. But how do you navigate these challenges when societal norms seem to drift further away from biblical principles?

In this post, we’ll explore key cultural developments affecting our children’s understanding of identity, examine their root causes, and provide practical strategies to anchor your family in the truth of God’s Word.

The Institutional Enforcement of Sexual Brokenness

Sexual content is no longer confined to movies and television. A disordered view of sexuality is being enforced through institutions such as schools, media, and even businesses. This push means that children are constantly exposed to confusing messages about sex, gender, and human identity, which are often at odds with biblical values.

“Culture is far more effective in what it assumes than what it announces.”
– John Stonestreet

This quote underscores the subtle yet powerful influence of cultural assumptions. The messages our children receive are often more implicit than explicit, shaping their worldview in profound ways.

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The Rise of Critical Theory

Another complicating factor is the emergence of what some call the “critical theory mood.” This perspective divides people into groups based on chosen identities, assigning moral status to these groups. In this framework, sexual orientation and gender identity become primary defining characteristics, often elevated above other aspects of a person’s identity.

This shift has created an environment where:

  • Children feel pressured to identify with a sexual minority group to gain social acceptance.
  • Traditional views on sexuality and gender are labeled not just as wrong, but as dangerous.
  • Tension increases between parental rights and so-called “kids’ rights.”

Key Takeaway: Critical theory and identity politics contribute to confusion and pressure, making it difficult for children to understand their true identity as designed by God.

The Root Issue: An Identity Crisis

At the heart of these cultural shifts lies a profound identity crisis. The fundamental question is: Are we designed by a loving Creator, or are we autonomous beings responsible for creating our own identities? This crisis of identity is the root from which much of the moral confusion in our culture grows.

As Christians, we believe our identity is rooted in being created in the image of God, with intrinsic value and purpose. Helping your children embrace this truth is essential to equipping them to withstand cultural pressures.

Trusting Him, Shaping Me, Restoring Us

In light of these cultural challenges, how can you, as a Christian parent, guide your children? The answer lies in returning to the core truths of our identity in Christ. As the Bible reminds us in Colossians 2:8 (NIV):

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

With this scripture in mind, consider these guiding principles:

  • Trust in God’s Design: Remember that God’s plan for human identity and sexuality is rooted in His love and wisdom. Even when cultural messages seem overwhelming, trust that His design leads to true flourishing.
  • Be Shaped by Christ: Allow Jesus’ teachings to shape your understanding of identity and relationships. This means viewing yourself and others as image-bearers of God, not defined primarily by sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Participate in Restoration: By living out your faith authentically and teaching your children to do the same, you become catalysts for restoring God’s vision of truly human identity in your family and community.

Practical Steps for Parents

Navigating cultural waters with your children is challenging, but these approaches can help reinforce their God-given identity:

  • Focus on Identity Before Behavior: Emphasize the importance of addressing identity before behavior. Help your children understand who they are in Christ before addressing specific dos and don’ts.

“If we just tell them, ‘Here’s how you ought to behave, and here’s how you ought not to behave,’ in a culture that’s essentially stealing their souls, then we’re just decorating a fundamentally wrong way of thinking about who they are.”
– John Stonestreet
  • Point Out Cultural Assumptions: Help your children recognize and question the underlying messages in media and institutional policies. Teaching them critical thinking skills will enable them to discern truth from deception.

  • Emphasize God’s Love and Design: Teach your children that their worth comes from being created in God’s image, not from conforming to cultural trends or opinions.

  • Create Open Dialogue: Encourage your children to ask questions and express their doubts in a safe, loving environment. Honest conversations build trust and provide opportunities to address difficult topics biblically.

  • Equip Them with Scripture: Memorize key verses that affirm identity in Christ, such as Psalm 139:14 (“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”) and Ephesians 2:10 (“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works”).

Remember, the goal isn’t to shelter your children completely from cultural influences, but to equip them to navigate these waters with wisdom and confidence in their God-given identity.

Restoring a God-Given Identity, One Family at a Time

Raising children in today’s cultural climate is challenging, but it’s an opportunity to reaffirm God’s truth about human identity. As parents, we have the privilege of guiding our children to trust in God’s design, be shaped by Christ’s teachings, and participate in the restoration of a Truly Human understanding of identity.

Are you struggling to help your children understand their identity in Christ amidst conflicting cultural messages? The Identity Project offers biblically grounded resources to help you navigate these complex issues. Explore our video library and learning paths to deepen your understanding of God’s design for identity and sexuality.

Start your free trial today at and join us in the journey of restoring a truly human understanding of identity, one family at a time.

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