Identity Project

Live: Tuesday, March 11 7:00-8:00pm EST

How is Identity Formed and What Makes it Healthy

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The March Identity Project webinar features one of our 30+ subject matter experts. Dr. Kathy Koch is Founder and President of Celebrate Kids, Inc.. She trains parents and educators in understanding, loving, and influencing today’s children.  The focus of this webinar on forming healthy identity is critically needed in our world with so much confusion on who we are, why we are here, and what it means to be human. The Identity Project offers educational resources, including 200+ videos, aimed at helping individuals and communities think Christianly about identity, human anthropology, and cultural transformation.

Format:               20-25 minute presentation, followed by Live Q&A

Questions to be answered:                  

  • What makes it most likely that identity will be formed well?
  • What makes a child’s identity healthy?
  • What components of a child’s identity need to be developed?
  • What makes it more likely that children may have an unhealthy identity?

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Our Speaker

Kathy Koch, PhD

Kathy Koch, Ph.D. is Founder and President of Celebrate Kids, Inc. and co-founder of Ignite the Family: A Movement of Awakened Parents. She trains parents and educators in understanding, loving, and influencing today’s children. Dr. Koch speaks internationally and has authored several books, including Screens and Teens, No More Perfect Kids, and How Am I Smart?. She earned a Ph.D. in Reading and Education Psychology from Purdue University.

Kathy Koch