How Pastors Must Respond to Gender Confusion
Samuel D. Ferguson, MPhil, PhD
Children are being discipled by gender ideology everywhere. That’s why the Church cannot remain silent, and pastors and priests must step forward to boldly lead in this confusing time.
More On Gender
How to Battle Gender Ideology
Jay W. Richards, PhD
Should Parents Embrace "Gender-Affirming" Care?
Stephen Grcevich, MD
Learning More About Underlying Issues
Laura Perry Smalts
Understanding Our Transgender Moment
Sean McDowell, PhD
Men and Women Are Not the Same.
Leonard Sax, MD, PhD
Are Girls Really Better Off?
Leonard Sax, MD, PhD
How My Parents Helped Me Know Who I Am, with Dr. Kathy Koch
Kathy Koch, PhD
Gender Ideology Dishonors God and the Body
Emilie Kao, JD
The Complex History of the Term "Gender"
Andrew Sodergren, PsyD
Exploring a Christ-Centered Approach to Gender Dysphoria in Children
Andrew Sodergren, PsyD
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How Can I Respond to a Child or Friend with Gender Confusion?
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Feelings Do Not Determine Identity
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The Biblical Vision for Who We Are and What We Are
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Rejecting Men and Women
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