Kathy Koch, PhD President,
Celebrate Kids, Inc.
Kathy Koch, PhD is Founder and President of Celebrate Kids, Inc. She trains parents and educators in understanding, loving, and influencing today’s children. Known by many as Dr. Kathy, she speaks at conventions and in schools and churches and has authored several books, including Screens and Teens, Parent Differently, and 8 Great Smarts. She earned a PhD in Reading and Education Psychology from Purdue University.
Kathy Koch Videos

Your Teen and Their Screen
Kathy Koch, PhD

Helping Children Find Purpose
Kathy Koch, PhD

How My Parents Helped Me Know Who I Am, with Dr. Kathy Koch
Kathy Koch, PhD

Helping Kids Understand Core Needs
Kathy Koch, PhD

Trans Facts or Fiction?
Kathy Koch, PhD

Lies about Ourselves That We are Tempted to Believe
Kathy Koch, PhD

Helping a Child Achieve Security in Who They Are
Kathy Koch, PhD

Social Media is Impacting Your Kids
Kathy Koch, PhD

Guiding Children to a Secure Identity
Kathy Koch, PhD
Kathy Koch's Recommended Resources
Raising Resilient Kids: Help Them Embrace Life with Confidence
Let Raising Resilient Kids help you build resilient children with a bright future! Learn the power and purpose of resilience and how to parent so they can make wise choices and deal with negative experiences. Kathy Koch offers moms and dads help to help their children to grow and mature.
No More Perfect Kids: Love Your Kids for Who They Are
Frustrated with your kids? Keep in mind that they're created in God's image, not your own! One of the best gifts parents can give their children is to set them free to be all that God created them to be and release them from unrealistic expectations. Writing in a friendly tone with practical ideas, Jill Savage and Kathy Koch, PhD provide inspiration and tactics for dealing with tough parenting issues including perfectionism, contentment, digital technology, uniqueness, disobedience, weaknesses, change, purpose, and helping children with special needs.
Celebrate Kids Podcast with Dr. Kathy Koch
This podcast provides daily encouragement to parents as they seek to raise their kids in the truth about who God made them.
Dr. Kathy Koch: Purpose & Core Needs | Ep. 124 - Takeaways with Kirk Cameron
Dr. Kathy Koch joins Kirk Cameron to discuss the importance of understanding our purpose and core needs.
Summit Ministries
Summit Ministries exists to equip and support rising generations to embrace God’s truth and champion a biblical worldview through a variety of programs and resources.
Five to Thrive: How to Determine If Your Core Needs Are Being Met (and What to Do When They're Not)
Answering 5 Questions Can Change Your Life.
Who can I trust?
Who am I?
Who wants me?
Why am I alive?
What do I do well?
Every human has five core needs, and if you're going to thrive, these needs must be met in healthy ways—primarily through God. Learn what they are and how you can develop beliefs and skills so they're met and you become whole, content, and at peace. Start thriving as you use the ideas in this revised and updated edition of Finding Authentic Hope and Wholeness.
With humor and vulnerability Dr. Kathy Koch gives you the tools to develop an authentic sense of self and a positive outlook on the future. Take the time to ask yourself these five questions, and discover the answers as you journey with Dr. Kathy toward hope and wholeness. You'll be glad you did—for the rest of your life.
Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World
Screens and Teens applauds the good aspects of the digital age, but also alerts parents to how technology contributes to self-centered character, negative behaviors, and beliefs that inhibit spiritual growth.
Start with the Heart: How to Motivate Your Kids to Be Compassionate, Responsible, and Brave (Even When You're Not Around)
You can be proud of your parenting and see amazing results when you learn to act with intentionality toward your children. Instead of just working on behavior modification, change your children's hearts and teach them to do what is good, godly, and right even when we're not around. When the heart is changed, the behavior will change.
Learning to use this kind of motivation takes effort, consistency, and strategy, but it works and it's never too late. If you're willing to commit to a little hard work up front, you'll enjoy your kids, your life, and yourself much more when you learn to start with the heart.
Chapter Titles:
Chapter 1: Motivation: Direction Matters
Chapter 2: Positive and Negative Consequences: We Can Do Better than "No tech until next month!"
Chapter 3: Change: We Can Do Better Than "What's it Going to Take for you to Change?"
Chapter 4: Motivation: The Big Five
Chapter 5: Motivation: What Does Identity Have To Do With It?"
Chapter 6: Motivation: Relevance of Character, Resiliency, and Technology
Chapter 7: Parents: Be Who Your Children Need You To Be
Chapter 8: Communication: We Can Do Better than "Because I Said So"
Chapter 9: Complimentaing and Correcting: We Can Do Better than "That's Unacceptable!"
Chapter 10: Learning: We Can Do Better than "I'm Sick of Your Complaining - Just Do It!"
Chapter 11: Learning: Motivate with the 12 Genius Qualities and 8 Great Smarts