Identity Project

Laura Perry Smalts

Author & Speaker

Laura Perry Smalts is an author and speaker who shares her story of how Jesus Christ rescued her from a transgender identity. She has had the privilege to tell her story on a variety of platforms including radio, video, television, and more including the documentary In His Image.  She has taught at conferences, schools, and churches. Her story is available in her autobiography, Transgender to Transformed. She and her husband, Perry, through their ministry, Eden's Redemption, an endeavor to teach and equip others on a variety of topics related to transgenderism and God’s design for human beings as male and female.

Laura Perry Smalts's Recommended Resources

Transgender to Transformed: A Story of Transition That Will Truly Set You Free

Today's culture is drowning in the lies of the "born that way" ideology that claims desires and feelings cannot change or be overridden. Transgender to Transformed chronicles the story of Laura Perry, a former transgender, who believed those same lies and was determined to never return to being female no matter what it cost her. And cost her, it did.

Like many who feel trapped in the wrong body, Laura "transitioned" to the opposite sex through irreversible surgeries, hormone injections, and a legal name change. Yet, despite her initial elation at living as a male, her new identity failed to bring her the peace and fulfillment she longed for. Realizing that she was living a lie, what was promised to be freedom had instead become a prison cell.

Filled with raw, honest emotion, Laura's story sheds light on the common deceptions about the transgender lifestyle, and exposes the frustration and hopelessness of living with a self-created identity that is in opposition to who God created. It bravely leads the way out of the darkness and into the light of freedom that transgenders may desperately be seeking.

In Transgender to Transformed you will find:

- Practical insights into the mind of a transgender to help you understand how to better love them

- How to deal with loved ones who are transitioning

- Hope and help for those who are struggling with gender dysphoria

Transgender to Transformed | Laura Perry Smalt’s Story

In this interview, Laura Perry Smalts shares her testimony of how she went from living as transgender for nine years to following Christ.

In His Image - Movie

In His Image is a critical and urgent message designed to equip the church to answer culturally controversial questions about gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective. This feature-length documentary presents much-needed truth with compassion and clarity through powerful personal testimonies, careful Bible teaching, and scientific evidence.

God’s Amazing Animals - Creation Today Ministry, Dr. Jobe Martin

It is amazing the things we can learn about our Creator from His creation. Watch “God’s Amazing Animals” so that you will not miss out on knowing Your Creator... in a different way—through the animals He designed!