Loving God's Children: The Church and Gender Ideology
John J. Bursch
The Catholic Church teaches beautiful lessons about human sexuality and our identity as sons and daughters of God, lessons that promote human flourishing. Yet gender activists and their allies in the government and in the media denounce the Church's message of love as harmful and hateful. How do Catholics respond to that criticism?
In this timely and incisive book, John Bursch helps explain what the Catholic Church teaches about the human person and why modern culture's embrace of "gender ideology" is not only wrong but terribly dangerous for parents and families, female athletes, medical professionals -- and especially those experiencing gender confusion. Drawing from Church documents and extensive scientific research, Bursch answers numerous questions that confront Catholics living in a culture that promotes gender fluidity. He covers a range of topics including how to approach the use of pronouns in the workplace, whether transgender individuals can receive the sacraments, and ways to accompany those struggling with gender confusion.
You will also learn:
- What is the concept of objective truth and how to defend it
- The Church's understanding of what it means to truly love another individual
- Straightforward reasons to defend the Church's teaching on human sexuality
- What scientific inquiry really says about gender ideology
- The true meaning of human identity
- How gender activists subvert the truth in culture and in the medical profession
- How acceptance and affirmation of those who announce a gender identity different from their sex is not loving but harmful
Significantly, you will find ways to develop virtue and courage to withstand the rising persecution of those who promote and defend the Church's teachings and will learn how to respond to practical questions with factual information and authentic spiritual guidance from the pope and Catholic bishops.
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